Welcome to the 14th episode of Export Stories Podcast with our friend Steve Rothberg of Mercator International. He and I had a fascinating discussion about global infrastructure, both in the U.S. and abroad. We talked about ships and ports and railroads and inland waterways. What didn’t we cover? And maybe the conversation got a tiny bit wonky at times, but that’s what makes this episode so compelling.
Steve is a partner with Mercator International LLC and joined us from Kirkland Washington. Mercator is a management consulting firm specializing in freight, logistics and infrastructure. Steve shared stories from a diverse portfolio of projects with which he has been involved. We’d love to get a conversation going about this episode as well as more general discussions about exporting. This is an important time for the export community to share what is happening in their sectors and how each of us is dealing with one of the most consequential health and economic events of our lifetime. Please reach out to me on exportstoriespodcast.com. You can go to the contact page or ask questions or post comments on the episode page. We’re also on Twitter! Thank you very much for listening.